Souvenirs from Singapore


Souvenirs from Singapore

Graphic Merchandise in celebration of SG50

50 years, 50 icons, 50 souvenirs

"To be launched during the National Day Weekend 2015, SS is a collection - the fruit of the collaboration between STUCK, Supermama & Meykrs - which presents 50 new Singapore souvenirs. Priced at $10 or $20 per item as a mission to make well-designed items affordable for more people, the collection encapsulates
the Singapore narratives in various minute objects. Every souvenir serves as meaningful keepsake for international visitors and locals alike.


Using the Singapore culture and lifestyle as a context to design, SS seeks to provide a fresh perspective to what defines a souvenir. Following a thorough and vigorous search of Singapore narratives from the perspective of 300 everyday objects, the project attempts to provide an index to local souvenirs."

- Excerpt description from Souvenirs from Singapore

To purchase the collection, visit the Area 65 Online Store.